Discover the Best Day Job to Support Your Writing Career Success!

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about becoming a successful novelist? Do you have a burning passion for writing, but your writing career hasn’t yet paid the bills? If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone. Many aspiring authors face the same dilemma: how to pursue their writing dreams while ensuring financial stability. I’m Deepak Thomas, and I’ve been navigating this very journey for the past five years. Today, I want to share my personal insights and advice on how to find the right balance between your day job and your writing aspirations.

1. View Your Day Job as a Learning Opportunity

Let’s be honest: most of us take on day jobs to support our true calling – writing. While it’s crucial for covering expenses like rent and editor fees, your day job can also be an incredible source of valuable skills. Writing isn’t just about crafting beautiful sentences; it’s about selling your work and effectively marketing it. Project management skills, meeting deadlines, and understanding advertising can significantly boost your writing career. Notably, advertising has been a cornerstone for famous authors like James Patterson and Salman Rushdie. It teaches essential skills such as mass communication and sales techniques – both vital when you eventually transition to full-time writing. So, consider choosing a job that allows you to gain these skills or any others that can enhance your journey as a writer.

2. Seek a Flexible Schedule

In today’s world, post-pandemic, flexible work schedules have become increasingly prevalent. Look for jobs that offer flexibility, allowing you to work fewer days a week or adjust your daily hours to suit your needs. A flexible schedule provides you with valuable extra hours to dedicate to your writing and marketing efforts. If a completely flexible schedule isn’t possible, opt for a job with consistent hours that you can plan around.

3. Embrace Remote or Hybrid Work Arrangements

Remote work is a game-changer. If workable, opt for a job that offers remote work or a hybrid arrangement. Working from home eliminates time-consuming commutes, freeing up more time for writing and other essential tasks. It also provides a conducive environment for handling tasks, such as making important calls or collaborating with cover designers. If remote work isn’t an option, consider minimizing your commute time by living closer to your workplace – research suggests this can significantly improve your overall well-being.

4. Prioritize Manageable Workloads

The allure of high-paying jobs can be tempting. However, these positions often come with immense stress and long hours, leaving you drained and unable to focus on your writing. Always keep your long-term goal in mind: becoming a full-time author. Sometimes, accepting a slightly lower salary for more time and energy can be a wise choice. Prioritize your writing dreams over chasing money that won’t ultimately fulfill you.

5. Choose a Job with Financial Stability

While pursuing your writing career, opt for a day job that offers financial stability. Writing income can be unpredictable, with months of abundance followed by dry spells. Having a stable income from your day job can alleviate financial worries, allowing you to focus on your writing without constant financial stress. Look for jobs with a fixed monthly salary component, rather than those relying heavily on bonuses or overtime.


These are not rigid rules but guidelines to help you navigate the challenging path of balancing a day job and your writing aspirations. Ultimately, your passion for writing will drive you to make it work, regardless of your job’s nature. Consider the experiences of successful authors like Chetan Bhagat and Amish Tripathi, who pursued their dreams despite demanding careers. Before making financial decisions, carefully evaluate the pros and cons, including your family’s well-being and health insurance needs.

If you found this advice helpful, please try my work. You can sign up my mailing list to download my free novella, “The Lion of Bharat.” Give it a read and share your thoughts. And if you want to know how to balance your day job with your writing, check this post.

In the meantime, remember: your dreams are worth the effort. Take care, have fun, and keep writing!

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